Tuesday 3 October 2017

Hunter Domestic Gas Supply at an All Time Low


There will be a shortfall in domestic gas supply in the Hunter, after the ACCC'S energy interim report found the east coast's shortage will be three times larger next year than previously forecast.

Several politicians have said a domestic reservation policy is not necessary as Australia has enough gas, but a Hunter businessman says the government should be prioritising the domestic market.

Weston Aluminium Managing Director Garbis Simonian says it's crucial a bipartisan law on domestic gas energy is established at state and federal levels.

'Both state and federal governments are all accusing each other, and passing the blame. What we want is politicians to sit down around a table, both Labor and Liberal, and in the bipartisan fashion decide and work on a National Energy Policy. The economy is suffering, jobs are suffering, families are suffering and it's not good enough.'

Mr Simonian says higher gas prices drive up electricity prices, and the current situation is not sustainable.

'Now this is just common sense that any country or any state applies the gas and energy it finds, to satisfying the domestic market first, and then if there's a surplus, you can export it.

'All countries in the world give their domestic market a priority when it comes to gas, Australia is the only country that doesn't have a Domestic National Interest Policy.'

Image Caption: https://www.google.com.au/search?rlz=1C1GGRV_enAU751AU751&biw=1141&bih=859&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=gas+shortage+aus&oq=gas+shortage+aus&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i24k1l4.7788.8589.0.9221.